Category: Auto Body Tips

Auto Body Tips

Car Maintenance Tips to Help You Beat the Heat

Summer has officially arrived, and it’s brought with it’s blazing sun and high temperatures. However, while we have the option to hit the pool or the beach in order to cool off, our cars don’t have the same option. Therefore,

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Auto Body Info

Finding the Right Tires

For those who are not super familiar with cars or automotive repairs, the idea of choosing the right kind of tire can seem like a daunting task. What are the differences between the different types of wheels, or for what

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Auto Body Info

Benefits to Washing Your Car Regularly

One of the most basic forms of maintenance that somebody can do for their vehicle would be to wash it regularly. However, for those of us who live in areas that receive harsh Winter weather conditions, washing our cars during

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Auto Body Info

Tips for Regular Vehicle Maintenance

If you’re not an expert on cars, knowing how to maintain your vehicle can seem tricky and overwhelming. Luckily, once you understand the basics, knowing what to look out for and check up on regularly can become a natural part

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Auto Body Info

Driving in Different Weather Conditions

Paying attention to the environment around you is essential when driving. While you may be a good driver, you never know what can happen on the road as a result of certain weather conditions. Bad weather can make the road

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Auto Body Info

Essential Tools to Keep in Your Vehicle at All Times

When taking your vehicle out on the road, it is important that proper maintenance is conducted beforehand to ensure that everything will run as smoothly as possible. However, even with proper maintenance, accidents can happen, and things can go against

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car snowy road
Auto Body Info

Prepping Your Vehicle for the Winter

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, and Christmas on the horizon after that, it is safe to say that the Winter months are fast approaching. And while that means we’re about to enter the season of snow days and hot

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Auto Body Shop

Premium Gas Vs. Regular Gas

Having to fill up your gas tank is one common denominator that can unite drivers from around the globe. We’ve all had the moment of panic where our gas light has lit up, and there is no gas station in

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