Category: Auto Body Info

Car Parts Info-graphic

Today’s automobiles are extremely sophisticated. Back up lights and warning signals; automatic braking to avoid accidents; engine kill switches to avoid vehicle theft. All of these functions are meant to keep us safe and our vehicle free from theft or

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Motorcycle Repair Shops

In 1897 a bicycle production company called Hendee Manufacturing Company was founded by George M. Hendee. The company offered three bicycles: Silver King, Silver Queen, and American Indian (ultimately shortened to simply Indian. The Indian became Hendee’s primary brand name.

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Auto Body Info

Why Regular Auto Service is Essential

Cars are an indispensable part of our daily routine. Without them, the daily commute to office, dropping off the kids at school, getting groceries from the local store, all become challenging and onerous tasks. For most people, their car is

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Your Car’s Electronic Systems and their Repair

Are you aware about the different electronic systems in your car? Many people don’t know about the electrical and electronic circuits in their vehicle, which increases the possibilities of unnoticed problems in their equipment. This is the reason why you

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Do Your Brakes Need Service?

Maintaining your car brakes is very important. Brakes play an important role in stopping the car during an emergency. It protects you and your passenger’s life. If your breaks have a squealing sound, that indicates that your car needs to have a brake service immediately. If you notice thi…

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Wheel Alignment on Staten Island

Did you know that having a proper wheel alignment on Staten Island can prevent major damage to your vehicle, save you money and possibly your life? It’s true. Having your wheels out of alignment can be costly and dangerous.

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Environmentally Friendly Auto Body Shop in Staten Island

Why should I choose an Environmentally friendly auto body shop on Staten Island? Good question. As a society we are exploring a greener way of life through recycling, eating organic foods, conserving energy, avoiding products containing toxic chemicals, etc. Why not opt for the best quality, eco friendly auto repairs? What better option than your trusted environmentally friendly auto body shop on Staten Island?

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