5 Reasons Why Women Make Better Auto Collision Estimators

women in auto body repair

When you walk into Barry’s Auto Body you may notice something interesting, not only is the shop clean and welcoming, but the first people you will meet when bringing your car for service will be women. That’s because Barry’s Auto Body is an Equal Opportunity Employer, meaning that they hire the best and brightest people for the job.

Michelle is co-owner of Barry’s Auto Body. She, along with her brother, Barry, took over the shop from their father several years ago. Michelle works in the front office with several other women who will be responsible for estimating your car’s damages, helping to file your insurance claim and getting you into a rental car if you need one.

Every member of the Barry’s Auto Body team is a professional trained to deliver swift, quality service. With so many women on the team, we thought it might be interesting to list why we believe that women actually make better collision estimators than men

1. Women tend to be more detail oriented than men which is an important quality to ensure that every bit of damage is found, noted and repaired properly;
2. Women tend to be more patient than men which is necessary when estimating repair jobs. Collisions can damage your vehicle in areas that aren’t immediately visible. It is important that the estimator has the patience to go over every inch of the vehicle to ensure a complete repair;
3. Women are more empathetic than men which is helpful when dealing with collision customers. Car accidents are naturally nervous making. Even when no one is hurt, the accident plays over in a person’s mind and they wonder what they could have done to prevent it; how long they will be without their car; whether or not the insurance company will pay for all the damages; Understanding your state of mind is important in order to provide quality customer service
4. Woman are better negotiators than men which means that they will protect the insured and make sure that your insurance company doesn’t try to cut corners on the repair;
5. Women are able to blue print and vision a job more thoroughly which means that they will be able to provide the technicians with a more thorough road map to ensure the job is done completely.

Barry’s Auto Body is proud to debunk the myth that auto body repair is strictly a man’s world. Call us today for all your automotive repair and maintenance needs.
