Don’t Drive and Drink- Car Collisions Stink!

Did you know that drunk driving costs the United States $199 billion a year? Every day in America, another 28 people die as a result of drunk driving. A trip to the auto body shop is NOTHING compared to the terrible consequences that arise from  drunk-driving! Here are some ways to avoid an expensive car collision:


  1. Plan ahead! If you know there will be alcoholic beverages at an event, choose a designated driver, take a cab or ask a family member or friend for a lift! Make arrangements to get home before you start drinking- even one drink can cause a bad decision!
  2. Keep your phone charged! It may sound silly but having your cell phone in your pocket is extremely important in these situations. You can use your smartphone to call an Uber, look up arrival times of public transportation, or call someone for help.
  3. Leave your car at home! Simply leaving your car in the driveway is the BEST way to avoid drunk driving and car collisions!


At Barry’s Auto Body, we witness the consequences of drunk driving far too often. We hope that these tips come in handy next time you decide to have an alcoholic beverage!
